Gorilla: A Pow­er­ful Alter­na­tive to SurveyMonkey

SurveyMonkey is a well-known tool for online surveys, and that’s where it excels. But when it comes to behav­iour­al research, its lim­i­ta­tions quickly become apparent.

SurveyMonkey lacks the tools you need for behav­iour­al research, such as sup­port­ing precise stimuli and response reac­tion-time tasks. So if you’re looking to conduct more complex studies that go beyond simple ques­tion­naires, Gorilla offers the flex­i­bil­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty you need.

Our Ques­tion­naire Builder tool is designed to exceed all the abil­i­ties that researchers rely on in SurveyMonkey, includ­ing optional/mandatory ques­tions, scoring, ran­domi­sa­tion, branch­ing, and more.  And our Task Builder is designed to allow you to go much further and build cog­ni­tive and behav­iour­al tasks.

But you can go even further, Gorilla also sup­ports games, mul­ti­play­er tasks, shop­ping sim­u­la­tion, social media sim­u­la­tion, UX sim­u­la­tions and more!  And these can all be com­bined within a single ran­domised and coun­ter­bal­anced experiment so that you can collect mixed-method data easily.

Compare the Fea­tures: SurveyMonkey and Gorilla




Reac­tion Time Tasks
What-you-see-is-what-you-get Inter­face
Trial by Trial Ran­domi­sa­tion & Counterbalancing
Game Builder
Shop Builder
Graph­i­cal Experiment Configuration
Open Mate­ri­als Repository
Support Includ­ed

The Nitty Gritty: SurveyMonkey vs Gorilla

Fea­tures: SurveyMonkey and Gorilla



Example Ques­tion­naire
Col­lab­o­rate with Users
Restore Pre­vi­ous Ver­sions (Version Control)
Insert Images
Insert Videos
Insert Audio
Ranking Widgets
Date Entry Widget (with Conversion)
Restrict­ed Date Entry Widget (GDPR)
Ran­domi­sa­tion of Ques­tions on Page
Ran­domi­sa­tion of Ques­tions on Page (Except Top)
Embed­ded Data/Store/Carry Forward Choices
Branch­ing Based on Respons­es and Conditions
Add Custom Script
Add Custom Scoring
Option­al Back Button
Right-align­ing spe­cif­ic text
Change Text Size on Widgets
Ques­tion­naire Adjusts for Screen Sizes
Browser Restric­tions
Country Restric­tions
Auto­mat­ic Time Out Exclusions
Browser Infor­ma­tion
Monitor Infor­ma­tion
Device Infor­ma­tion
Total ques­tion­naire Time
Down­load Data from Incom­plete Participants
Upload to Shared Library (Open Materials)
Support Desk

The nit­ti­est grit­ti­est: Here’s our Ques­tion­naire Builder 2 show­case fea­tur­ing its com­po­nents in detail.

Beyond Surveys: The Power of Behav­iour­al Research with Gorilla

While SurveyMonkey is a solid tool for cre­at­ing online surveys, it falls short when it comes to behav­iour­al and exper­i­men­tal research. Gorilla, on the other hand, is designed specif­i­cal­ly for this purpose. With Gorilla, you can design intri­cate tasks and exper­i­ments, in addi­tion to, or com­bined with, surveys, collect and analyse data, and even create mul­ti­play­er tasks, all from your browser. No coding required.

Whether you’re a sea­soned researcher or a student just start­ing out, Gorilla offers a user-friend­ly plat­form that doesn’t require pro­gram­ming knowl­edge. With its expert support team and regular live webi­na­rs, Gorilla ensures a seam­less research expe­ri­ence for all.

So why limit your­self to surveys? With Gorilla, you can push the bound­aries of your research and uncover insights that go beyond simple, self-report­ing ques­tion­naires. Make the switch to Gorilla today and take your behav­iour­al research to the next level. Sign up for free today and explore our intu­itive task and experiment builder at your own pace.

Want to learn more? Join our next onboard­ing webinar for a com­pre­hen­sive guide to all that Gorilla has to offer. You’ll see first-hand how our plat­form can help you take your own research online.

If you’re con­sid­er­ing Gorilla for your lab or depart­ment, we’re here to help. Reach out to sched­ule a call with our team. We’d love to discuss how Gorilla can meet your spe­cif­ic needs and stream­line your research process.