Scale your behav­iour­al science prac­tice
without scaling your tech­ni­cal team.

Upgrade to Gorilla for an easy-to-use graph­i­cal inter­face, a wide range of research tools, and a world-class support team to back you up.

“I don’t want my com­peti­tors to find out about you.”

Scale your behav­iour­al science agency without scaling your team.

Gorilla Experiment Builder is the pow­er­ful, next-gen­er­a­tion online research toolset.

Build surveys, reac­tion time tasks, gam­i­fied research tasks, mul­ti­play­er tasks, and con­sumer research tasks in hours instead of weeks. Or let the Gorilla Studio team do it for you, while you sit back.

Talk to our founder and learn about the pos­si­bil­i­ties or learn more about how your research agency can become more profitable.

Measure behav­ior
at scale with ease.

All-in-one mixed methods behavioral research plat­form for aca­d­e­m­ic and com­mer­cial research.




“I’m aston­ished by the possibilities!”

Par­tic­i­pants go in.
Data comes out.

Participants In - Data Out. With Gorilla.

“By switch­ing to Gorilla, I saved 3 months on a research project.”

One plat­form.
All your research needs.

Tools for Commercial Researchers

“If you can dream it, Gorilla can test it.”

How we work

A journey to independence.

1st Step: Done For You

2nd Step: Hybrid

3rd Step: Do It Yourself

Get started quickly by out­sourc­ing pro­to­col devel­op­ment and data pre-pro­cess­ing to our team.

Then, have us train your team and develop scal­able protocols.

End up with a strong in-house team, with us as a backup.

Get repeat­able, scal­able busi­ness at every step of the journey.

Case Studies

CX Lab Logo
ACN Logo
ACN Logo

Dis­cov­er how CX Lab and ACN — world-leading behavioral research firms — help busi­ness­es unlock their full poten­tial for growth, reduce waste­ful spend­ing, and enhance the human experience.

Explore their work and learn how Gorilla is helping them rev­o­lu­tion­ize the world of com­mer­cial research.

Good fit clients

When the part­ner­ship works.

You have a psy­chol­o­gist on your team who has run behavioral studies before.

You quickly start having ideas of the types of pro­to­col you could run and how that could be useful to your clients.

You have a data sci­en­tist on the team that can analy­ses behavioral data.

Even­tu­al­ly, you want to use Gorilla independently.

Detailed Behav­iour­al Metrics No Matter The Task

 See the range of tasks that are pos­si­ble in Gorilla in our 90 second show­case video:

Don’t put it off: Find out whether Gorilla can dra­mat­i­cal­ly improve your busi­ness or not in 45 minutes.

Gorilla Experiment Builder is the pow­er­ful, next-gen­er­a­tion online research toolset for behavioral science.

It allows research con­sul­tan­cies to be more time- and cost-effi­cient, less replace­able, more promi­nent in their market, and thus more profitable.

If that sounds attrac­tive, book a call with our founder Jo Ever­shed. Togeth­er, you’ll reason whether Gorilla is right for you or not.