No suffering!
"The suffering free version of running experiments."
Nadia Brown
Academic researchers are at the center of everything we create and do at Gorilla, but don't just take our word for it.
"The suffering free version of running experiments."
"The interface for building experiments is very clean and easy to use, even for really complex designs (e.g. counterbalancing, different components, branching based on performance in a given task, redirecting back to Prolific). I can't say enough good things about their support documentation for researchers; it's quite lovely"
Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
"My Task was quite complicated because I wanted to add some economic incentives to my psychology based task, with the help of the Gorilla team I joined some of their online sessions and they really took the time to hear me out to see what kind of results I was looking to achieve so that we could think of a way to best implement it on the Gorilla platfom! The experience was beyond friendly and super helpful!"
Masters Student in Psychology and decision making, University of Exeter
"Open Materials is so powerful and so helpful. I cloned three tasks and adapted another. So that removed half the work I needed to do. It saved me so much time."
Senior Lecturer, Applied Linguistics
"My lab have been using coding for tasks that then had to be uploaded to be used online. This multi step approach wasn’t efficient and, frustratingly, often failed or code errors would only come to light when tasks would eventually upload, whilst offline they worked just fine. It took days. Now, the process is much more streamlined, with instantaneous access, and many tasks can be linked and branched for the different groups of participants. It’s also easier to share our designs."
City University of London
"Gorilla is designed for psychologists, so it has all the relevant options. I’ve found it really easy to use and very flexible."
"I was a first year PhD student. I needed to create a task which was going to be a real headache. I had to contact the researchers at MIT who had designed it, ask them for their super specific stimuli (which required highly specialised recording equipment to produce), and then design the task exactly as it was written out in their publication. This was my first experiment and I was so stressed out. The surprise? Someone had already built the exact task in Gorilla and shared it on Open Materials. I cloned it and texted my supervisor, ‘Done! What next?'"
Queen Mary University of London
"I used Gorilla to build my MRes experiments which involve participants having their attention trained whilst I measure their reaction times. The program is flexible, easy to use, and the Gorilla support team are fantastic!"
Macquarie University
"I finally had some time to sit through the experiment again yesterday and it looks absolutely amazing! And I’m even more amazed that it took me less than two weeks to set it all up. Thanks for making this possible!"
"Gorilla’s UI can save loads of time AND you can turbo it up to do even more with scripting. It’s the best of both worlds for Research Software Engineers."
Ex Chair, Association of Technical Staff in Psychology
"Gorilla lets me take my experiments online quickly and efficiently. The clear and straightforward interface allows me to map out the logic of my experimental designs, whilst its modular nature helps me to build and test components as I go. Taking my research online will dramatically increase my sample size, and help me to reach groups under-represented in my field."
Kings College London
"The first time using this experiment builder (or any) as an undergrad, to assess bias in society towards different mobility aids. The experience was stress free and easy to use. I also have little IT experience which initially felt overwhelming. I was pleased to discover how easy Gorilla was to use, access and share."
University of South Wales
"The problem with academia is that few of us value our time properly, which means we make insane decisions about how we use our time. I have wasted days and weeks of my time getting experiments together and then collecting in-person data when it would have been far more efficient to collect it online. A small amount of money frees you up to focus on more important aspects and saves money in the long run. Hell, it also provides a wider, more representative sample of participants resulting in better data. It’s a no brainer."
"Gorilla is a great tool if you want to run experiments online, because it possesses such a great flexibility; you can design your experiment by simply using the graphical user interface, code the entire experiment in javascript or use a combination of both. This makes it really easy and fast to use — for a wide audience! Furthermore, the support I have experienced is great - quick, clear and supportive."
University of Bristol
"Gorilla rescued my dissertation! They have the best support team in the world. My experiment required too many customized functions, which is quite time-consuming. However, Gorilla helped me to achieve everything! In order to have a clear understanding of my demand, they arranged a Skype meeting with me and coached me step by step. They reviewed my codes and answered my questions with great patience. Honestly, they are like my second-supervisor. I deeply appreciate this wonderful platform and amazing team!"
"Gorilla has quite literally saved my PhD! Everyone I’ve shown it to has been astonished by how easy it is to set up an experiment."
Open University
"On another note, thank you for the GIFT that is Gorilla — It’s saving us during lockdown!"
University of Cambridge
"In our local [Berlin] zoo a real Gorilla, Bibi, has just had babies. With Gorilla support I feel just as safe and welcome as these tiny sweeties do in Bibi’s arms."
Potsdam University
"As a Behavioural Economics MSc student studying an intensive one year course alongside full-time work, Gorilla has been invaluable. I have no idea how I would have setup my experiment without the platform and its amazing team! It’s really great to use whatever level your coding skills are. If you know a little bit of css/html, you can use this in the main Task Editor to customise existing templates. If you’re more advanced, the Code Editor interface gives you great flexibility in using html/javascript etc. so you can really push your experimental design forward."
University of Middlesex
"I don’t have the words to express how impressed I am with the kindness and speediness of you & your team. Thanks a million. I’m a very happy and loyal customer already and will make sure to recommend Gorilla at my upcoming conference later this month."
Pedagogical University of Krakow
"Really, thank you so much for your help. I’m extremely impressed with everything about Gorilla including your flexibility in finding an option that might work for my circumstances."
"I’ve had so many problems sending participants to Qualtrics to Pavlovia to Qualtrics and it always goes wrong. It’s so error prone. I’m glad we never have that problem with Gorilla"
"The data output is really good and easy to work with. Far better than Qualtrics!"
Iowa State University
"Gorilla allows us to efficiently collect large, diverse samples of participants that are often unfeasible to obtain in the lab. The task builder makes it possible to build pilot experiments within a short space of time, while also allowing the flexibility to implement more sophisticated psychophysical designs."
MetaLab, Wellcome Trust Centre of Neuroimaging
"Gorilla opens up a wide range of behavioural tasks including randomised trials and reaction time behaviour. It is easy to set up a task for participants to complete at home over the internet, so I can use it to collect useful behavioural data from participants across the UK. I launched a study recently, went to lunch and came back to 400 participant responses."
Senior Lecturer, Anglia Ruskin University
"Thanks for your quick response! It helped us! … We have made an experiment with help or your excellent program Gorilla. We generated data earlier, it worked perfectly."
University of Utrecht
"We chose Gorilla for our research on Group Dynamics because of its component structure. It means we can quickly test another paradigm without redeveloping multiplayer functionality. Multiplayer is part of the wider experiment building ecosystem. So you can use it in a number of unique ways. I'm confident that it's always going to be available and reliable. So that's kind of huge."
Skills Lab Product Manager, Harvard University
"Shop Builder gives us an opportunity to do things that, unless you have very large budgets, you would just never be able to achieve."
Director of Consumer Psychology, DECIDE
"I got really excited when I found Shop Builder because it was the solution to all my problems! It’s so easy to use. You upload a CSV with all the stimuli and images, and details. And boom, you have a shop - and it works!"
Graduate Student, Stein Lab, Virginia Tech
"Shop Builder looks professional and realistic, so it increases the generalizability of our results. It’s also easy to use. To be honest, it’s a godsend!"
Assistant Professor, Department of Population Health, NYU
"As a software developer I really appreciate how easy Gorilla has made getting our studies online. Gone are the days of custom hardware and software. The experience is so seamless and straightforward, that all our future online studies will be done with Gorilla."
University of Western Ontario
"Gorilla allows us to conduct ambitious commercial research that is immersive and engaging for our participants and produces results that are both rigorous and interpretable for our clients. It is an essential service for us."
Thinks Applied Behavioural Science
"The simple but powerful graphical user interfaces, rich learning tutorials and sample templates, and useful contact support make programming more efficient. As my supervisor said, “Gorilla is the future.”."
Face Recognition Researcher, University of Exeter
"People trained for 10 minutes on the game, four times a week for 8 weeks. Overall, participants completed around 4,000 trials in total—and reported that they still enjoyed the game."
Independent ERC Research Fellow, UCL
"I love Gorilla as experiment builder software so much that we're transitioning our in-lab studies to this too (leaving behind E-Prime, SuperLab and PsychoPy)"
Associate Professor, University of Connecticut
"We have our first paper currently under review, which just wouldn’t have been feasible without Gorilla. Thanks for everything you do!"
Head of School, Keele University
"Gorilla is a perfect example of a fundamental advance in methodology that enables us to test a much wider range of questions than we ever could before."
"Gorilla has been my second home for three years, saving me time, effort, and money. I trust it for its high-quality data, excellent support, and intuitive interface. Our student projects have flourished, nurturing a new generation of researchers. Grateful for Gorilla’s role in advancing science!"
Social Robotics and Language, Potsdam University
"Gorilla has been absolutely invaluable since the pandemic, and has probably helped change the way we do experimentation for good. It has helped democratise doing psychological experiments."
"I had been awarded a research grant. The first in my life. As a young scientist, of course, I was very happy and motivated. However, in the middle of COVID-19 pandemia as the Principal Investigator of the project I had to re-think everything due to the lockdown. I needed a platform where participants can fill in questionnaires ONLINE, can rate visual affective pictures ONLINE while response latency is measured ONLINE. So, everything can run online with my very-very-very limited (not significant) programming skills. This was my first meeting with Gorilla in 2019/2020. This year was the fourth time we have renewed our lab subscription!"
Affective Psychology, Institute of Psychology, University of Pecs, Hungary
"The traditional ways for higher education students to memorize and recall materials in the visual domains (e.g. in Design & Architecture) can be boring and ineffective. We seek to assist students to learn and engage with visual materials more effectively by utilizing Perceptual Learning (PL). PL refers to experience-induced changes in the extraction of information (Eleanor Gibson, 1969) and it forms the basis of expert pattern recognition ability. Gorilla is a SaaS platform that lets me focus on designing and implementing learning experiments for PL without worrying about the back-end system. It provides a ground for rapid prototyping of various time-sensitive learning activities for PL. A unique advantage of Gorilla is that it provides reliable time indictors to measure participants’ performances effortlessly. Gorilla is a great product with a reasonable learning curve and providing great value to researchers conducting online experiments. Thanks for the great support service, too."
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
"What we've managed to do with Gorilla is give students the tools and templates to make their own experiments, with minimal supervision. Students can go out and test a hypothesis via social media. Results flood in from all over the world, and they're creating this incredible range of studies. It's a much richer learning experience."
Senior Lecturer, UCL
"I’m using Gorilla for a variety of auditory task where participants hear and respond to speech and other sounds. Gorilla is a great platform. Experiments run in web browsers so they can be done anywhere, e.g. an internet-connected computer in the lab or on another continent — no need to compile code or check out expensive licenses from a server. Gorilla streamlines collaboration. Collaborators can log into their own Gorilla accounts to share and view tasks, make edits to the tasks, check experiment progress and download data. The built-in version control ensures we always know exactly which version of a task was run. Support for the platform is phenomenal — Gorilla staff respond quickly to questions and have even created custom features and written bespoke code in order to get things running smoothly."
Birkbeck College
"Each year is collecting data from around 1,500 participants. And we're freed up to spend more time on data analysis"
Dr Daniel Richardson
Senior Lecturer, UCL
"Instead of spending 30-40 hours sitting in a cubicle testing participants, students can recruit subjects rapidly via social media"
Prof Fred Dick
Professor of Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, UCL
"The experiment was picked up by BBC Radio 4 and spread through social media - at one point we had 17,000 participants"
Dr Kirsty Graham
Research Associate, St Andrews