What people are saying about Gorilla

picture of Rachel Theodore

Gorilla beats every other tool I used (and I have used a lot!)

Dr. Shane Lindsay

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Dr. Shane Lindsay

picture of Rachel Theodore
Picture showing Dr Suzanna Forwood

Dr Suzanna Forwood

I use Gorilla to under­take novel research in behav­iour­al health. I can use Qualtrics for surveys, but Gorilla opens up a wider range of behav­iour­al tasks incud­ing ran­domised trials and reac­tion time behav­iour. It is easy to set-up a task for par­tic­i­pants to com­plete at home over the inter­net, so I can use it to collect useful behav­iour­al data from par­tic­i­pants across the UK. I launched a study recent­ly, went to lunch and came back to 400 par­tic­i­pant responses.

Dr Suzanna Forwood — Senior Lec­tur­er, Anglia Ruskin University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Dr Suzanna Forwood — Senior Lec­tur­er, Anglia Ruskin University

Picture showing Dr Suzanna Forwood
I use Gorilla to under­take novel research in behav­iour­al health. I can use Qualtrics for surveys, but Gorilla opens up a wider range of behav­iour­al tasks incud­ing ran­domised trials and reac­tion time behav­iour. It is easy to set-up a task for par­tic­i­pants to com­plete at home over the inter­net, so I can use it to collect useful behav­iour­al data from par­tic­i­pants across the UK. I launched a study recent­ly, went to lunch and came back to 400 par­tic­i­pant respons­es.
Dr Rachel Theodore

I love Gorilla as experiment builder soft­ware so much that we’re tran­si­tion­ing our in-lab studies to this too (leaving behind E‑Prime, Super­Lab, and PsychoPy).

Dr Rachel Theodore

Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Dr Rachel Theodore

Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut

Dr Rachel Theodore

I am mas­sive­ly impressed with Gorilla. Logged on for the first time yes­ter­day at lunchtime. Had a demo experiment ready for stu­dents to adapt by 6pm the very same day.

Dr. Jenni Rodd — Senior Lecturer

Uni­ver­si­ty College London

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Dr. Jenni Rodd — Senior Lecturer

Uni­ver­si­ty College London

Sadiye Cankurtaran

Build­ing up your experiment togeth­er with the support team! When­ev­er you have a doubt, they propose the best solu­tion for your unique exper­i­men­tal design in a matter of hours. They listen to what exactly you need, and sum­ma­rize how to imple­ment it! Thank you for such a fruit­ful col­lab­o­ra­tion. You speed up our science!

Sadiye Cankur­taran

PhD can­di­date, Jagiel­lon­ian University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Sadiye Cankur­taran

PhD can­di­date, Jagiel­lon­ian University

Sadiye Cankurtaran

My Direc­tor and I think that your Gorilla plat­form is excel­lent. It took me only two days (with no prior expe­ri­ence) to set up the Experiment from start to finish, with a some­what complex struc­ture for a list experiment. We will def­i­nite­ly do our online exper­i­ments on your plat­form going forward.

Alain Van­dor­mael

Hei­del­berg Insti­tute of Global Health

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Alain Van­dor­mael

Hei­del­berg Insti­tute of Global Health

Wow, I love Gorilla… Was just messing around trying to see if it could do what we needed for a project, ended up cre­at­ing an entire demo version com­plete with all coun­ter­bal­anc­ing ready for the real stimuli to be added later. It’s so intu­itive and clear. Well done Gorilla!

Priya Sil­ver­stein

Uni­ver­si­ty of Surrey

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Priya Sil­ver­stein

Uni­ver­si­ty of Surrey

Never thought data col­lec­tion online could be so easy! Thanks to Gorilla for cre­at­ing a quick and easy solu­tion to online data collection!

Jason Geller

Uni­ver­si­ty of Iowa

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Jason Geller

Uni­ver­si­ty of Iowa

Cameron Haffenden-Belton

From an exper­i­men­tal design/coding per­spec­tive, this was one of our most chal­leng­ing Covid studies. Grate­ful for Gorilla which enabled us to turn a complex design on paper into a work­able experiment over the course of a (long) lock­down weekend in 2020.

Cameron Haf­fend­en-Belton

ESRI Dublin

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Cameron Haf­fend­en-Belton

ESRI Dublin

Cameron Haffenden-Belton
Portrait of Dr Jason Chan

The data output is really good and easy to work with. Far better than Qualtrics!

Dr. Jason Chan

Iowa State University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Dr. Jason Chan

Iowa State University

Portrait of Dr Jason Chan

There are few things in acad­e­mia that I rec­om­mend so whole­heart­ed­ly. You managed to create a plat­form dif­fer­ent than any­thing else that’s avail­able. It’s so intu­itive and yet ver­sa­tile and pow­er­ful. Well done and thank you for your great work!

Alber­ty­na Paciorek

Warsza­ws­ki Uni

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Alber­ty­na Paciorek

Warsza­ws­ki Uni

We have our first paper cur­rent­ly under review, which just would­n’t have been fea­si­ble without Gorilla. Thanks for every­thing you do!

Jim Grange

Head of School, Keele University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Jim Grange

Head of School, Keele University

Nadia Brown

The suf­fer­ing free version of running experiments.

Nadia Brown


Gorilla Experiment Builder

Nadia Brown


Nadia Brown

Gorilla has quite lit­er­al­ly saved my PhD! Every­one I’ve shown it to has been aston­ished by how easy it is to set up an experiment.

Emily Breese

Open Uni­ver­si­ty

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Emily Breese

Open Uni­ver­si­ty

Dr Lucy Cheke

On another note, thank you for the GIFT that is Gorilla — It’s saving us during lockdown!

Lucy Cheke

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cambridge

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Lucy Cheke

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cambridge

Dr Lucy Cheke
Katharina Kühne

In our local [Berlin] zoo a real Gorilla, Bibi, has just had babies. With Gorilla support I feel just as safe and welcome as these tiny sweet­ies do in Bibi’s arms.

Katha­ri­na Kühne

Potsdam Uni­ver­si­ty

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Katha­ri­na Kühne

Potsdam Uni­ver­si­ty

Katharina Kühne

I used Gorilla to build my MRes exper­i­ments which involve par­tic­i­pants having their atten­tion trained whilst I measure their reac­tion times. The program is flex­i­ble, easy to use, and the Gorilla support team are fantastic!

Thea House

Mac­quar­ie University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Thea House

Mac­quar­ie University

Photo of Vivienne Rogers

Open Mate­ri­als is so pow­er­ful and helpful. I cloned three tasks and adapted another. So that removed half the work I needed to do. It saved me so much time. Special thanks to Eva Poort!

Dr Vivi­enne Rogers

Senior Lec­tur­er, Applied Lin­guis­tics, Swansea University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Dr Vivi­enne Rogers

Senior Lec­tur­er, Applied Lin­guis­tics, Swansea University

Photo of Vivienne Rogers

I finally had some time to sit through the experiment again yes­ter­day and it looks absolute­ly amazing! And I’m even more amazed that it took me less than two weeks to set it all up. Thanks for making this possible!

Eva Poort


Gorilla Experiment Builder

Eva Poort


Gorilla lets me take my exper­i­ments online quickly and effi­cient­ly. The clear and straight­for­ward inter­face allows me to map out the logic of my exper­i­men­tal designs, whilst its modular nature helps me to build and test com­po­nents as I go. Taking my research online will dra­mat­i­cal­ly increase my sample size, and help me to reach groups under-rep­re­sen­t­ed in my field.

Alexan­dra Hendry

Kings College London

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Alexan­dra Hendry

Kings College London

Joseph Devlin 2

The problem with acad­e­mia is that few of us value our time prop­er­ly, which means we make insane deci­sions about how we use our time. I have wasted days and weeks of my time getting exper­i­ments togeth­er and then col­lect­ing in-person data when it would have been far more effi­cient to collect it online. A small amount of money frees you up to focus on more impor­tant aspects and saves money in the long run. Hell, it also pro­vides a wider, more pre­sen­ta­tive sample of par­tic­i­pants result­ing in better data. It’s a no brainer.

Joseph Devlin


Gorilla Experiment Builder

Joseph Devlin


The problem with acad­e­mia is that few of us value our time prop­er­ly, which means we make insane deci­sions about how we use our time. I have wasted days and weeks of my time getting exper­i­ments togeth­er and then col­lect­ing in-person data when it would have been far more effi­cient to collect it online. A small amount of money frees you up to focus on more impor­tant aspects and saves money in the long run. Hell, it also pro­vides a wider, more pre­sen­ta­tive sample of par­tic­i­pants result­ing in better data. It’s a no brainer.

Joe Devlin

Gorilla is a perfect example of a fun­da­men­tal advance in method­ol­o­gy that enables us to test a much wider range of ques­tions than we ever could before.

Joe Devlin


Gorilla Experiment Builder

Joe Devlin


Gorilla is a perfect example of a fun­da­men­tal advance in method­ol­o­gy that enables us to test a much wider range of ques­tions than we ever could before.

Kamila Naeem

My lab have been using coding for tasks that then had to be uploaded to be used online. This multi step approach wasn’t effi­cient and, frus­trat­ing­ly, often failed or code errors would only come to light when tasks would even­tu­al­ly upload, whilst offline they worked just fine. It took days. Now, the process is much more stream­lined, with instan­ta­neous access, and many tasks can be linked and branched for the dif­fer­ent groups of par­tic­i­pants. It’s also easier to share our designs.

Kamila Naeem

City Uni­ver­si­ty of London

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Kamila Naeem

City Uni­ver­si­ty of London

My lab have been using coding for tasks that then had to be uploaded to be used online. This multi step approach wasn’t effi­cient and, frus­trat­ing­ly, often failed or code errors would only come to light when tasks would even­tu­al­ly upload, whilst offline they worked just fine. It took days. Now, the process is much more stream­lined, with instan­ta­neous access, and many tasks can be linked and branched for the dif­fer­ent groups of par­tic­i­pants. It’s also easier to share our designs.
Dr Rachel Theodore

The inter­face for build­ing exper­i­ments is very clean and easy to use, even for really complex designs (e.g., coun­ter­bal­anc­ing, dif­fer­ent com­po­nents, branch­ing based on per­for­mance in a given task, redi­rect­ing back to Pro­lif­ic). I can’t say enough good things about their support doc­u­men­ta­tion for researchers; it’s quite lovely.

Rachel Theodore

Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Rachel Theodore

Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut

Dr Rachel Theodore

I was a first year PhD student. I needed to create a task which was going to be a real headache. I had to contact the researchers at MIT who had designed it, ask them for their super spe­cif­ic stimuli (which required highly spe­cialised record­ing equip­ment to produce), and then design the task exactly as it was written out in their pub­li­ca­tion. This was my first experiment and I was so stressed out. The sur­prise? Someone had already built the exact task in Gorilla and shared it on Open Mate­ri­als. I cloned it and texted my super­vi­sor, ‘Done! What next?

Amira Korkor

Queen Mary Uni­ver­si­ty of London

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Amira Korkor

Queen Mary Uni­ver­si­ty of London

Max Rollwage

Gorilla allows us to effi­cient­ly collect large, diverse samples of par­tic­i­pants that are often unfea­si­ble to obtain in the lab. The task builder makes it pos­si­ble to build pilot exper­i­ments within a short space of time, while also allow­ing the flex­i­bil­i­ty to imple­ment more sophis­ti­cat­ed psy­chophys­i­cal designs.

Max Roll­wage — The MetaLab, Well­come Trust Centre for Neuroimaging


Gorilla Experiment Builder

Max Roll­wage — The MetaLab, Well­come Trust Centre for Neuroimaging


Max Rollwage

As a Behav­iour­al Eco­nom­ics MSc student study­ing an inten­sive one year course along­side full-time work, Gorilla has been invalu­able. I have no idea how I would have setup my experiment without the plat­form and its amazing team! It’s really great to use what­ev­er level your coding skills are. If you know a little bit of css/html, you can use this in the main Task Editor to cus­tomise exist­ing tem­plates. If you’re more advanced, the Code Editor inter­face gives you great flex­i­bil­i­ty in using html/javascript etc. so you can really push your exper­i­men­tal design forward.

Aimee Wilde

Uni­ver­si­ty of Middlesex

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Aimee Wilde

Uni­ver­si­ty of Middlesex

Gorilla is designed for psy­chol­o­gists, so it has all the rel­e­vant options. I’ve found it really easy to use and very flexible.

Hannah Betts


Gorilla Experiment Builder

Hannah Betts


Dr Rachel Theodore

In the last audi­to­ry study I ran online with Gorilla and Pro­lif­ic, of the 1020 tested par­tic­i­pants, we only had to exclude 60 par­tic­i­pants (5.9%) due to poor data quality, which includ­ed failure to meet our a priori inclu­sion cri­te­ria for accu­ra­cy, head­phone use, and com­plet­ed trials. The data quality — once you’ve honed your pro­to­col — is excellent.

Dr Rachel Theodore

Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Dr Rachel Theodore

Uni­ver­si­ty of Connecticut

Dr Rachel Theodore

Gorilla rescued my dis­ser­ta­tion! They have the best support team in the world. My experiment required too many cus­tomized func­tions, which is quite time-con­­sum­ing. However, Gorilla helped me to achieve every­thing! In order to have a clear under­stand­ing of my demand, they arranged a Skype meeting with me and coached me step by step. They reviewed my codes and answered my ques­tions with great patience. Hon­est­ly, they are like my second-super­vi­­sor. I deeply appre­ci­ate this won­der­ful plat­form and amazing team!

Muhang Li


Gorilla Experiment Builder

Muhang Li


The tra­di­tion­al ways for higher edu­ca­tion stu­dents to mem­o­rize and recall mate­ri­als in the visual domains (e.g. in Design & Archi­tec­ture) can be boring and inef­fec­tive. We seek to assist stu­dents to learn and engage with visual mate­ri­als more effec­tive­ly by uti­liz­ing Per­cep­tu­al Learn­ing (PL). PL refers to expe­ri­ence-induced changes in the extrac­tion of infor­ma­tion (Eleanor Gibson, 1969) and it forms the basis of expert pattern recog­ni­tion ability. Gorilla is a SaaS plat­form that lets me focus on design­ing and imple­ment­ing learn­ing exper­i­ments for PL without wor­ry­ing about the back-end system. It pro­vides a ground for rapid pro­to­typ­ing of various time-sen­si­­tive learn­ing activ­i­ties for PL. A unique advan­tage of Gorilla is that it pro­vides reli­able time indic­tors to measure par­tic­i­pants’ per­for­mances effort­less­ly. Gorilla is a great product with a rea­son­able learn­ing curve and pro­vid­ing great value to researchers con­duct­ing online exper­i­ments. Thanks for the great support service, too.

Wing Lau

Xi’an Jiao­tong-Liv­er­pool University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Wing Lau

Xi’an Jiao­tong-Liv­er­pool University

Photo of Katharina

Katha­ri­na Kühne

Gorilla has been my second home for three years, saving me time, effort, and money. I trust it for its high-quality data, excel­lent support, and intu­itive inter­face. Our student projects have flour­ished, nur­tur­ing a new gen­er­a­tion of researchers. Grate­ful for Goril­la’s role in advanc­ing science!


Katha­ri­na Kühne

Social Robot­ics and Language

Uni­ver­si­ty of Potsdam

Gorilla Experiment Builder


Katha­ri­na Kühne

Social Robot­ics and Language

Uni­ver­si­ty of Potsdam

Photo of Katharina
Gorilla has been my second home for three years, saving me time, effort, and money. I trust it for its high-quality data, excel­lent support, and intu­itive inter­face. Our student projects have flour­ished, nur­tur­ing a new gen­er­a­tion of researchers. Grate­ful for Goril­la’s role in advanc­ing science!

Thanks for your quick response! It helped us! … We have made an experiment with help or your excel­lent program Gorilla. We gen­er­at­ed data earlier, it worked perfectly.

Jeroen Kusters

Uni­ver­si­ty of Utrecht

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Jeroen Kusters

Uni­ver­si­ty of Utrecht

I’ve had so many prob­lems sending par­tic­i­pants to Qualtrics to Pavlovia to Qualtrics and it always goes wrong. It’s so error prone. I’m glad we never have that problem with Gorilla

Gorilla Office Hours Attendee

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Gorilla Office Hours Attendee

I don’t have the words to express how impressed I am with the kind­ness and speed­i­ness of you & your team. Thanks a million. I’m a very happy and loyal cus­tomer already and will make sure to rec­om­mend Gorilla at my upcom­ing con­fer­ence later this month.

Alber­ty­na Paciorek

Ped­a­gog­i­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Krakow

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Alber­ty­na Paciorek

Ped­a­gog­i­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Krakow

Gorilla is a great tool if you want to run exper­i­ments online, because it pos­sess­es such a great flex­i­bil­i­ty; you can design your experiment by simply using the graph­i­cal user inter­face, code the entire experiment in javascript or use a com­bi­na­tion of both. This makes it really easy and fast to use — for a wide audi­ence! Fur­ther­more, the support I have expe­ri­enced is great: quick, clear and supportive.

Anne-Lene Sax — Well­come Trust PhD Neural Dynamics

Uni­ver­si­ty of Bristol

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Anne-Lene Sax — Well­come Trust PhD Neural Dynamics

Uni­ver­si­ty of Bristol

Really, thank you so much for your help. I’m extreme­ly impressed with every­thing about Gorilla includ­ing your flex­i­bil­i­ty in finding an option that might work for my circumstances.

Barbara Hewitt

Uni­ver­si­ty of Glasgow

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Barbara Hewitt

Uni­ver­si­ty of Glasgow

I’m using Gorilla for a variety of audi­to­ry task where par­tic­i­pants hear and respond to speech and other sounds. Gorilla is a great plat­form. Exper­i­ments run in web browsers so they can be done any­where, e.g. an inter­net-con­nec­t­ed com­put­er in the lab or on another con­ti­nent — no need to compile code or check out expen­sive licens­es from a server. Gorilla stream­lines col­lab­o­ra­tion. Col­lab­o­ra­tors can log into their own Gorilla accounts to share and view tasks, make edits to the tasks, check experiment progress and down­load data. The built-in version control ensures we always know exactly which version of a task was run. Support for the plat­form is phe­nom­e­nal — Caul­dron staff respond quickly to ques­tions and have even created custom fea­tures and written bespoke code in order to get things running smoothly.

Kyle Jasmin

Birk­beck College

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Kyle Jasmin

Birk­beck College

Karsten Babin

As a soft­ware devel­op­er I really appre­ci­ate how easy Gorilla has made getting our studies online. Gone are the days of custom hard­ware and soft­ware. The expe­ri­ence is so seam­less and straight­for­ward, that all our future online studies will be done with Gorilla.

Karsten Babin

Uni­ver­si­ty of Western Ontario

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Karsten Babin

Uni­ver­si­ty of Western Ontario

As a soft­ware devel­op­er I really appre­ci­ate how easy Gorilla has made getting our studies online. Gone are the days of custom hard­ware and soft­ware. The expe­ri­ence is so seam­less and straight­for­ward, that all our future online studies will be done with Gorilla.

Max Mawby

Gorilla allows us to conduct ambi­tious com­mer­cial research that is immer­sive and engag­ing for our par­tic­i­pants and pro­duces results that are both rig­or­ous and inter­pretable for our clients. It is an essen­tial service for us.

Max Mawby

Thinks Applied Behav­iour­al Science

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Max Mawby

Thinks Applied Behav­iour­al Science

Gorilla allows us to conduct ambi­tious com­mer­cial research that is immer­sive and engag­ing for our par­tic­i­pants and pro­duces results that are both rig­or­ous and inter­pretable for our clients. It is an essen­tial service for us.

I am used to coding my own tasks and was expect­ing to have to code a bit on Gorilla for flex­i­bil­i­ty, but I was able to con­struct a full experiment in about a week with no issues at all – I was delighted

Camilla Nord — MRC CBU

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cambridge

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Camilla Nord — MRC CBU

Uni­ver­si­ty of Cambridge

Dr Anita Deak

I had been awarded a research grant. The first in my life. As a young sci­en­tist, of course, I was very happy and moti­vat­ed. However, in the middle of COVID-19 pan­demia as the Prin­ci­pal Inves­ti­ga­tor of the project I had to re-think every­thing due to the lock­down. I needed a plat­form where par­tic­i­pants can fill in ques­tion­naires ONLINE, can rate visual affec­tive pic­tures ONLINE while response latency is mea­sured ONLINE. So, every­thing can run online with my very-very-very limited (not sig­nif­i­cant) pro­gram­ming skills. This was my first meeting with Gorilla in 2019/2020. This year was the fourth time we have renewed our lab subscription!

Dr Anita Deak

Affec­tive Psychology

Insti­tute of Psy­chol­o­gy, Uni­ver­si­ty of Pecs, Hungary

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Dr Anita Deak

Affec­tive Psychology

Insti­tute of Psy­chol­o­gy, Uni­ver­si­ty of Pecs, Hungary

I had been awarded a research grant. The first in my life. As a young sci­en­tist, of course, I was very happy and moti­vat­ed. However, in the middle of COVID-19 pan­demia as the Prin­ci­pal Inves­ti­ga­tor of the project I had to re-think every­thing due to the lock­down. I needed a plat­form where par­tic­i­pants can fill in ques­tion­naires ONLINE, can rate visual affec­tive pic­tures ONLINE while response latency is mea­sured ONLINE. So, every­thing can run online with my very-very-very limited (not sig­nif­i­cant) pro­gram­ming skills. This was my first meeting with Gorilla in 2019/2020. This year was the fourth time we have renewed our lab sub­scrip­tion!
Photo of Guangtong Wang

Guang­tong Wang

The simple but pow­er­ful graph­i­cal user inter­faces, rich learn­ing tuto­ri­als and sample tem­plates, and useful contact support make pro­gram­ming more effi­cient. As my super­vi­sor said: “Gorilla is the future.”.

Guang­tong Wang

Face Recog­ni­tion Researcher

Uni­ver­si­ty of Exeter

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Guang­tong Wang

Face Recog­ni­tion Researcher

Uni­ver­si­ty of Exeter

Photo of Guangtong Wang
The simple but pow­er­ful graph­i­cal user inter­faces, rich learn­ing tuto­ri­als and sample tem­plates, and useful contact support make pro­gram­ming more effi­cient. As my super­vi­sor said: “Gorilla is the future.”.
Photo of Menna

Menna Mostafa

Using Gorilla really sim­pli­fied my PhD data col­lec­tion expe­ri­ence. The plat­form is super easy to learn and use, Gorilla support is avail­able to make sure of that. Using Gorilla plat­form, I created my Online Experiment and pop­u­lat­ed it. I also created my online survey and the data col­lec­tion was a piece of cake! I highly rec­om­mend the platform.

Menna Mostafa

Digital Mar­ket­ing

Arab Academy for Sci­ences and Technology

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Menna Mostafa

Digital Mar­ket­ing

Arab Academy for Sci­ences and Technology

Photo of Menna
Using Gorilla really sim­pli­fied my PhD data col­lec­tion expe­ri­ence. The plat­form is super easy to learn and use, Gorilla support is avail­able to make sure of that. Using Gorilla plat­form, I created my Online Experiment and pop­u­lat­ed it. I also created my online survey and the data col­lec­tion was a piece of cake! I highly rec­om­mend the plat­form.

Pro­fes­sor Paul Burgess

Gorilla has been absolute­ly invalu­able since the pan­dem­ic, and has prob­a­bly helped change the way we do exper­i­men­ta­tion for good. It has helped democ­ra­tise doing psy­cho­log­i­cal experiments.

Pro­fes­sor Paul W. Burgess


Gorilla Experiment Builder

Pro­fes­sor Paul W. Burgess


Gorilla has been absolute­ly invalu­able since the pan­dem­ic, and has prob­a­bly helped change the way we do exper­i­men­ta­tion for good. It has helped democ­ra­tise doing psy­cho­log­i­cal exper­i­ments.

Ferenc Igali

Goril­la’s UI can save loads of time AND you can turbo it up to do even more with script­ing. It’s the best of both worlds for Research Soft­ware Engineers.

Ferenc Igali

Ex Chair, Asso­ci­a­tion of Tech­ni­cal Staff in Psychology

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Ferenc Igali

Ex Chair, Asso­ci­a­tion of Tech­ni­cal Staff in Psychology

Goril­la’s UI can save loads of time AND you can turbo it up to do even more with script­ing. It’s the best of both worlds for Research Soft­ware Engi­neers.
Gorilla Experiment Builder