Screenshots of a Gorilla task and spreadsheet

Gen­er­al­ly, researchers switch to Gorilla because they are having one of three frustrations:


  • They are trying to use a survey tool to create a behav­iour­al task and it’s just not working
  • They are running lab studies in the lab, and data col­lec­tion is frus­trat­ing slow.  If only they could take their research online like their col­leagues using questionnaires
  • They are stuck coding tasks for use in the lab or online, and the coding process is either too slow, too hard, or too frustrating
All of them end up won­der­ing, “Is there a better way?”


That’s why we created Gorilla.  Gorilla is a browser-based behav­iour­al research plat­form designed to help exper­i­men­tal psy­chol­o­gists and behav­iour­al sci­en­tists run exper­i­ments on humans online without needing to write a line of code.  This allow researchers to get their research out of the lab and collect data at scale using par­tic­i­pants pools.  It’s fast to create tasks and fast to collect data.  As one client said, “The suf­fer­ing free version of running experiments!”

In a nut­shell, our task builder has a bit like Pow­er­Point, where you create what the par­tic­i­pant should see on the screen with a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) interface. 

But unlike Pow­er­Point you can change the content of a screen with a spread­sheet (a bit like Excel) so that you can easily create a series of iden­ti­cal trials.  And behind the scenes we collect all the behav­iour­al and reac­tion time data of how your par­tic­i­pant responds to your stimuli.

So, if you can manage Pow­er­Point and Excel you’ll do fine with Gorilla.  And just to reas­sure you plenty of under­grad­u­ate psy­chol­o­gy stu­dents find it straight­for­ward to use.

Seeing is Believing

What You See Is What You Get

Like in Pow­er­Point, you can easily add ele­ments to the screen, then drag them and resize them to make a pleas­ing and user-friend­ly par­tic­i­pant expe­ri­ence.  Once you’re happy, you can then test how the layout will scale on dif­fer­ent screen sizes, so that you are con­fi­dent about what your par­tic­i­pants will be seeing.


Chang­ing Content On A Trial-by-Trial Basis

Dynamic content is driven by a spread­sheet.  Tell Gorilla which content to show on which screens and in what order.  You can easily ran­domise the order by adding simple (and complex) ran­domi­sa­tion rules.  Better still, you can preview the ran­domi­sa­tion you’ve pro­grammed in the tool, so you’re con­fi­dent it’s working correctly.

There’s A Com­po­nent For Everything

It’s easy to add new com­po­nents that do exactly what you need.  The feed­back com­po­nent comes com­plete with a tick and a cross (and you can cus­tomise these) and Gorilla knows to give feed­back appro­pri­ate­ly.  There’s a com­po­nent for every­thing and you can also combine com­po­nents to create emer­gent func­tion­al­i­ty.  Popular com­po­nents include:  Audio Play­back, Audio Record­ing, Drawing, Mouse track­ing, Eye track­ing, and the Progress Bar. Read our ‘Can Gorilla?’ page to see what else is possible!





Want to learn more? Book your demo now.