Testable Alter­na­tive: Why Gorilla is the Smart Choice for Behavioral Researchers

Whether you’re an under­grad­u­ate embark­ing on your first research project or a sea­soned post-doc working at the cutting edge of research, you may have encoun­tered Testable as an easy start­ing point for taking reac­tion tasks online.

And Testable is a decent tool for PhDs to create studies for under­grad­u­ate research. You clone a task that already exists and change the stimuli.

But you can’t create any­thing a novel tasks with Testable, you can only change the stimuli in a task that already exists.  In con­trast, our task builder allows you to create novel tasks, as well as modify exist­ing ones.

We don’t see any virtue in train­ing stu­dents to run repli­ca­tions if the process doesn’t also teach cre­ative research method skills.  It’s these cre­ative research skills that will posi­tion them to do novel research in future aca­d­e­m­ic or indus­try research posi­tions.

Science, at its heart, is about dis­cov­ery, about cross­ing the fron­tiers.  It’s essen­tial that your tools and train­ing empower you to do that too.

Plus, our world-class support team, staffed by trained behavioral sci­en­tists, is always at your service, ensur­ing you never get stuck. With Gorilla, you’re not just con­duct­ing research; you’re pio­neer­ing the future of behavioral science.


Compare the Fea­tures: Testable and Gorilla




Reac­tion Time Tasks
Game Builder
Shop Builder
What-you-see-is-what-you-get Inter­face
Pow­er­ful Com­po­nent System
Timing Val­i­dat­ed
Samples & Templates
Launched In
Pub­li­ca­tions (Feb 2024)

The Nitty Gritty: Testable vs Gorilla

Survey Fea­tures: Testable and Gorilla




Example Ques­tion­naire
Col­lab­o­rate with Users
Restore Pre­vi­ous Ver­sions (Version Control)
Insert Images
Insert Videos
Insert Audio
Ranking Widgets
Date Entry Widget (with Conversion)
Restrict­ed Date Entry Widget (GDPR)
Ran­domi­sa­tion of Ques­tions on Page
Ran­domi­sa­tion of Ques­tions on Page (Except Top)
Embed­ded Data/Store/Carry Forward Choices
Branch­ing Based on Respons­es and Conditions
Add Custom Script
Add Custom Scoring
Option­al Back Button
Right-align­ing spe­cif­ic text
Change Text Size on Widgets
Ques­tion­naire Adjusts for Screen Sizes
Browser Restric­tions
Country Restric­tions
Auto­mat­ic Time Out Exclusions
Browser Infor­ma­tion
Monitor Infor­ma­tion
Device Infor­ma­tion
Total ques­tion­naire Time
Down­load Data from Incom­plete Participants
Upload to Shared Library (Open Materials)

Office Hours

The nit­ti­est grit­ti­est: Here’s our Ques­tion­naire Builder 2 show­case fea­tur­ing its com­po­nents in detail.

The Gorilla Com­mu­ni­ty: Where Researchers Thrive

 Gorilla isn’t just a tool; it’s a vibrant com­mu­ni­ty of leading researchers in behavioral science. You’re part of a col­lec­tive that values inno­va­tion, effi­cien­cy, and the trans­for­ma­tive power of knowledge.


Invest in Your Research Journey

Gorilla is more than a tool; it’s an invest­ment in your entire research career. While Testable may offer a quick solu­tion for simple tasks, Gorilla pro­vides the depth of func­tion­al­i­ty and fine control that you’ll need as your research evolves.

With Gorilla, you’re invest­ing in the next 5–10 years of your research program and behavioral methods teaching.

Elevate Your Research with Gorilla

Don’t just settle; elevate your research to new heights with Gorilla.

Sign up for free today and explore our intu­itive task and experiment builder at your own pace.

Want to learn more? Join our next onboard­ing webinar for a com­pre­hen­sive guide to all that Gorilla has to offer. You’ll see first-hand how our plat­form can trans­form your approach to online research.

If you’re con­sid­er­ing Gorilla for your lab or depart­ment, we’re here to help. Reach out to sched­ule a call with our team. We’d love to discuss how Gorilla can meet your spe­cif­ic needs and stream­line your research process.