Gorilla Showcase

See the range of tasks that are possible in Gorilla in our 90 second showcase video:

Classic Cognitive Tasks

Any type of stimulus (text, image, audio, video) and any response (mouse, keyboard, voice, touch) and you get accuracy and reaction time measures.

Eyetracking and Mousetracking

Eye tracking is supported using the webcam, and mouse-tracking with the mouse. The Mouseview approach shown below is a popular way of doing eye-tracking without the eyes.

Drawing and creative tasks

Drawing tasks are a different way of eliciting inputs from participants. You can capture creativity and more nuanced thought processes.

Gamified Tasks

Gamified tasks allow you to create engaging reaction time tasks. This is particularly useful when working with children as engagement correlates with data quality. And best of all, no coding skills are necessary!

Multiplayer Tasks

Multiplayer studies with 2–8 players are also supported so that you can study behaviour in a social context. This includes text and video chat so that participants know it’s not faked! Supports both turn based and simultaneous actions paradigms.

Shopping Simulations

Interested in consumer psychology? Shopping simulations where you can determine the products, price, adverts and more allow you to test consumer behaviour in a more ecologically valid setting. This tool is particularly useful for consumer psychologists.

Social Media Simulations

Shopping Simulations are often combined with social media simulations to investigate how to influence consumers. But Social Media simulations can also be used to investigate the propagation of fake news and radicalisation.

Navigation Simulations

Navigation simulations make it easy to study how people navigate around a space and capture how they behave in an experimentally manipulated “real-world” environment.

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