Gorilla: A Qualtrics Alternative

Many uni­ver­si­ties rely on Qualtrics for survey-based research. And as a survey tool, Qualtrics is great. However, it lacks other tools you may need to conduct your behav­iour­al research, like pre­ci­sion reac­tion times, game builder and shop builder.

What’s more, with SAP’s recent pur­chase of Qualtrics, the company’s focus appears to be moving to large enter­pris­es and away from academia.

Con­se­quent­ly, Uni­ver­si­ties across the world are being quoted higher and higher renewal prices. We’ve heard stories of depart­ments being issued renewal fees that are five or ten times what they were paying before:

“This is ridicu­lous. Our pre­vi­ous year’s sub­scrip­tion was under £10,000, and our renewal is being quoted at over £50,000. We just can’t afford that. Can you help?”

For Busi­ness Schools

Gorilla is an online research plat­form that matches the func­tion­al­i­ty pro­vid­ed by Qualtrics in a pow­er­ful and easy to use tool.

For Psy­chol­o­gy Departments

Gorilla is an all-in-one plat­form for online behav­iour­al research, with tools for surveys, reac­tion time tasks, and mul­ti­play­er tasks.

For Behav­iour­al Science Research

Gorilla is an all-in-one plat­form for online behav­iour­al research, with tools for surveys, reac­tion time tasks, gam­i­fied research tasks, mul­ti­play­er tasks, con­sumer research sim­u­la­tions, and more.

Picture showing Dr Suzanna Forwood

Dr Suzanna Forwood

I use Gorilla to under­take novel research in behav­iour­al health. I can use Qualtrics for surveys, but Gorilla opens up a wider range of behav­iour­al tasks incud­ing ran­domised trials and reac­tion time behav­iour. It is easy to set-up a task for par­tic­i­pants to com­plete at home over the inter­net, so I can use it to collect useful behav­iour­al data from par­tic­i­pants across the UK. I launched a study recent­ly, went to lunch and came back to 400 par­tic­i­pant responses.

Dr Suzanna Forwood — Senior Lec­tur­er, Anglia Ruskin University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Dr Suzanna Forwood — Senior Lec­tur­er, Anglia Ruskin University

Picture showing Dr Suzanna Forwood
I use Gorilla to under­take novel research in behav­iour­al health. I can use Qualtrics for surveys, but Gorilla opens up a wider range of behav­iour­al tasks incud­ing ran­domised trials and reac­tion time behav­iour. It is easy to set-up a task for par­tic­i­pants to com­plete at home over the inter­net, so I can use it to collect useful behav­iour­al data from par­tic­i­pants across the UK. I launched a study recent­ly, went to lunch and came back to 400 par­tic­i­pant respons­es.
Gorilla Experiment Builder

Our new Ques­tion­naire Builder tool is designed to match all the abil­i­ties that researchers rely on in Qualtrics ques­tion­naire tool, includ­ing optional/mandatory ques­tions, scoring, ran­domi­sa­tion, branch­ing, and more. So not only can build the same surveys that you can in Qualtrics, but all your other online exper­i­ments too — and all for one afford­able price.

If you’re an advanced Qualtrics survey user and are inter­est­ed in how the Gorilla Ques­tion­naire Builder matches up, get in touch and we’ll give you a guided tour.

Compare the Fea­tures: Qualtrics and Gorilla




Reac­tion Time Tasks
Game Builder
Shop Builder
What-you-see-is-what-you-get Inter­face
Graph­i­cal Experiment Configuration
Open Mate­ri­als Repository
Support Includ­ed
Trial by Trial Ran­domi­sa­tion & Coun­ter­bal­anc­ing of Stimuli and Responses

The Nitty Gritty: Qualtrics Survey vs Gorilla Survey

Survey Fea­tures: Qualtrics and Gorilla




Example Ques­tion­naire
Col­lab­o­rate with Users
Restore Pre­vi­ous Ver­sions (Version Control)
Insert Images
Insert Videos
Insert Audio
Ranking Widgets
Date Entry Widget (with Conversion)
Restrict­ed Date Entry Widget (GDPR)
Ran­domi­sa­tion of Ques­tions on Page
Ran­domi­sa­tion of Ques­tions on Page (Except Top)
Embed­ded Data/Store/Carry Forward Choices
Branch­ing Based on Respons­es and Conditions
Add Custom Script
Add Custom Scoring
Option­al Back Button
Right-align­ing spe­cif­ic text
Change Text Size on Widgets
Ques­tion­naire Adjusts for Screen Sizes
Browser Restric­tions
Country Restric­tions
Auto­mat­ic Time Out Exclusions
Browser Infor­ma­tion
Monitor Infor­ma­tion
Device Infor­ma­tion
Total ques­tion­naire Time
Down­load Data from Incom­plete Participants
Upload to Shared Library (Open Materials)
Office Hours
Support Desk
(Paid extra)

The nit­ti­est grit­ti­est: Here’s our Ques­tion­naire Builder 2 show­case fea­tur­ing its com­po­nents in detail.

We also back you up with our world-class support team who you can contact any time you get stuck, our ever-expand­ing list of clone­able sample tasks, and our regular live webi­na­rs. All for a pleas­ant research experience.

I used Gorilla to build my MRes exper­i­ments which involve par­tic­i­pants having their atten­tion trained whilst I measure their reac­tion times. The program is flex­i­ble, easy to use, and the Gorilla support team are fantastic!

Thea House

Mac­quar­ie University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

Thea House

Mac­quar­ie University

Gorilla Experiment Builder

We also have got all the data secu­ri­ty, com­pli­ance, and due dili­gence in place so pro­cure­ment will be a breeze.

So if you’ve recent­ly been quoted a large renewal price for Qualtrics, or you’d just like to find out more about our soft­ware, please enter your email address and click “Start a con­ver­sa­tion”. We will reach out to set up a meeting.

This field is for val­i­da­tion pur­pos­es and should be left unchanged.

PS: If you’d like us to talk about how Gorilla can help you reach your goals first, then book a demo here.