Gorilla: An Inquisit Alternative

Inquisit is a psy­cho­log­i­cal mea­sure­ment and exper­i­men­ta­tion tool. It’s used to create cog­ni­tive reac­tion-time tasks. While Inquisit pro­vides a solid plat­form for online exper­i­men­ta­tion, it may not cater to all the diverse needs of behav­iour­al researchers.

These are some of the issues with Inquisit:

  • It has its own pro­gram­ming lan­guage so it’s dif­fi­cult to learn, slow to use, and hard to find research soft­ware engineers
  • Par­tic­i­pants have to down­load the soft­ware for you to collect data.  Many par­tic­i­pants don’t like this and some par­tic­i­pant recruit­ment plat­forms don’t allow this.
  • It’s limited to reac­tion-time tasks; you can’t easily do mixed-method research.

Togeth­er these weak­ness­es mean researchers spend more time on the code, and less time on the science.

In con­trast, Goril­la’s intu­itive inter­face makes cre­at­ing reac­tion-time tasks and surveys straight­for­ward (and fun!).  These can then be com­bined in a wide range of experiment designs; be it within-subject, between-subject, or a ran­domised con­trolled trial.  Since Gorilla runs in the browser, it’s also easy for par­tic­i­pants to take part by recruit­ing them from social media of via a recruit­ment service.

Gorilla enables aca­d­e­m­ic researchers to collect high-quality data, faster. If that’s impor­tant to you, then sign up for an account and try out the tool or join our next onboard­ing webinar.

Compare the Fea­tures: Inquisit and Gorilla



Reac­tion Time Tasks
Game Builder
Shop Builder
Graph­i­cal User Interface
Eso­teric Pro­gram­ming Language
Par­tic­i­pants Must Down­load Software
Works in the Browser

Col­lect­ing high-quality data is easy and fast with Gorilla

 Sign up for free today and explore our intu­itive task and experiment builder at your own pace.

Want to learn more? Join our next onboard­ing webinar for a com­pre­hen­sive guide to all that Gorilla has to offer. You’ll see first-hand how our plat­form can help you take your own research online.

If you’re con­sid­er­ing Gorilla for your lab or depart­ment, we’re here to help. Reach out to sched­ule a call with our team. We’d love to discuss how Gorilla can meet your spe­cif­ic needs and stream­line your research process.