Gorilla: A Lab­vanced Alternative

While Lab­vanced pro­vides a great plat­form for cre­at­ing online studies, it may not cater to all the diverse needs of behav­iour­al researchers. A uni­ver­si­ty in Cam­bridge, UK, pro­cured both Lab­vanced and Gorilla to use and test for two years. After these two years, the uni­ver­si­ty select­ed Gorilla for ongoing use and dis­con­tin­ued Lab­vanced. Their main argu­ment: Gorilla is more pow­er­ful, intu­itive and better supported.

Gorilla pro­vides a user-friend­ly, all-in-one plat­form for online behav­iour­al research, with tools for surveys, reac­tion time tasks, mul­ti­play­er tasks, and more. It’s designed to be acces­si­ble to researchers of all skill levels, without needing a back­ground in coding.

Gorilla not only exceeds Lab­vanced in offer­ing the most sought-after fea­tures that behav­iour­al researchers request, but also offers an easy-to-use plat­form, making the design and exe­cu­tion of behavioral exper­i­ments a smooth process. Plus, with its robust world-class-support team and regular live webi­na­rs, Gorilla ensures a seam­less research expe­ri­ence for all.

Read on to learn more.

Compare the Fea­tures: Lab­vanced and Gorilla




Reac­tion Time Tasks
Game Builder
Shop Builder
What-you-see-is-what-you-get Inter­face
Timing Val­i­dat­ed
Samples & Templates
Open Mate­r­i­al Repository
Office Hours
Launched In

The Nitty Gritty: Lab­vanced vs Gorilla

Fea­tures: Lab­vanced and Gorilla



Example Ques­tion­naire
Col­lab­o­rate with Users
Restore Pre­vi­ous Ver­sions (Version Control)
Insert Images
Insert Videos
Insert Audio
Ranking Widgets
Date Entry Widget (with Conversion)
Restrict­ed Date Entry Widget (GDPR)
Ran­domi­sa­tion of Ques­tions on Page
Ran­domi­sa­tion of Ques­tions on Page (Except Top)
Embed­ded Data/Store/Carry Forward Choices
Branch­ing Based on Respons­es and Conditions
Add Custom Script
Add Custom Scoring
Option­al Back Button
Right-align­ing spe­cif­ic text
Change Text Size on Widgets
Ques­tion­naire Adjusts for Screen Sizes
Browser Restric­tions
Country Restric­tions
Auto­mat­ic Time Out Exclusions
Browser Infor­ma­tion
Monitor Infor­ma­tion
Device Infor­ma­tion
Total ques­tion­naire Time
Down­load Data from Incom­plete Participants
Upload to Shared Library (Open Materials)
Support Desk

The nit­ti­est grit­ti­est: Here’s our Ques­tion­naire Builder 2 show­case fea­tur­ing its com­po­nents in detail.

Save time coding; have more time for science: Col­lect­ing high-quality data is easy with Gorilla

Lab­vanced may claim to have the “best-in-class” pre­sen­ta­tion timing based on the­o­ret­i­cal papers, but these claims have yet to be sub­stan­ti­at­ed in major com­par­i­son studies. In con­trast, the com­mon­ly cited paper regard­ing reac­tion timings attest to the excel­lence of Goril­la’s technology.

This is a tes­ta­ment to Gorilla’s drive to con­tin­u­ous­ly evolve — backed by a team of half a dozen engi­neers and research spe­cial­ists. We’re com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing a plat­form that’s not just the­o­ret­i­cal­ly sound but proven in practice.

We ship updates and upgrades to our tools several times a year, out­pac­ing our com­peti­tors. We’re not just main­tain­ing the status quo; we’re setting new stan­dards in online behavioral research.

When it comes to pricing, Gorilla offers a more cost-effec­tive solu­tion without com­pro­mis­ing on fea­tures. Whether you’re an indi­vid­ual researcher or looking for a depart­men­tal license, Gorilla pro­vides more value for your investment.

Don’t just settle; elevate your research to new heights with Gorilla. Sign up for free today and explore our intu­itive task and experiment builder at your own pace.

Want to learn more? Join our next onboard­ing webinar for a com­pre­hen­sive guide to all that Gorilla has to offer. You’ll see first-hand how our plat­form can help you take your own research online.

If you’re con­sid­er­ing Gorilla for your lab or depart­ment, we’re here to help. Reach out to sched­ule a call with our team. We’d love to discuss how Gorilla can meet your spe­cif­ic needs and stream­line your research process.