Com­mer­cial Showcase

Below are a series of videos from projects that we’ve been involved with demon­strat­ing the wide variety of tasks that can be built in Gorilla and used within a Gorilla Experiment.

We’re sharing them here to give you a flavour, but if you’d like to find out more about what’s pos­si­ble, please book a demo and we can have a more detailed con­ver­sa­tion about how we can support your research needs.

Con­sul­tan­cy Services

If the videos and pos­si­bil­i­ties here excite you, it’s useful to know that we also offer a con­sul­tan­cy service to bring your dreams to reality.

To find out more about our con­sul­tan­cy service, please get in touch!


UX / UI Demo

Here a series of web­pages are repli­cat­ed and we can track how par­tic­i­pants nav­i­gate them.  The same tech­nique can be use to test and opti­mise mes­sag­ing — by seeing which mes­sages people click a ‘find out more’ button.  Or to opti­mise price lists by iden­ti­fy­ing which fea­tures are most impor­tant and many more use cases besides!


Journey Demo

Ques­tion­naires solicit explic­it opin­ions from par­tic­i­pants. To get a better measure of how par­tic­i­pants behave, a journey elic­i­ta­tion tool can be used to measure par­tic­i­pants deci­sions. By chang­ing the images, choices and prompts, the journey elic­i­ta­tion tool can be used to under­stand deci­sion process­es in a wide range of circumstances.


Shop Builder Demo

Our shop builder tool allows you to create a fake shop and test prices, product, mes­sag­ing, adver­tis­ing and many more ideas besides.


Reveal Demo

Here a webpage is repli­cat­ed within Gorilla, but some of the infor­ma­tion is hidden. Par­tic­i­pants are given a budget to reveal infor­ma­tion and then make a deci­sion. The metrics show what infor­ma­tion is shown and the deci­sion made. Read a spot­light inter­view about one study com­plet­ed using this methodology.


Mul­ti­play­er Demo

For when you really need to under­stand how people make deci­sions togeth­er, mul­ti­play­er is the right option.  Mul­ti­play­er includes a free chat func­tion, so you can put choices in from of dyads and capture their dis­cus­sion about which option they’ll choose togeth­er.  A bril­liant way of elic­it­ing a lot of delib­er­a­tive thought.


Trail Making Demo

Another type of experiment that’s easy to create in Gorilla is to under­stand how someone  would nav­i­gate around a map.  Imagine this demon­stra­tion with a map behind it, the nodes are the junc­tions, and you can track how someone would get from Point A to Point B.

Coupled with the journey demo (above) you can also find out if people can trans­late between nav­i­gat­ing around a map, and nav­i­gat­ing reality!


Biomax Project

Nikhil Sharma at UCL com­mis­sioned us to create a series of games that could be used to measure the change in motor func­tion over time. These games would be played on a tablet and are each design to measure a dif­fer­ent aspect of motor function.


Exec­u­tive Func­tion Project

Niko Stein­bas at UCL com­mis­sion us to create a series of go-nogo games that could be used to train exec­u­tive func­tion. These games are designed to be played by kids over 8 weeks with the games con­stant­ly adapt­ing to the players level of ability.


The Hive

A research plat­form for study­ing how groups of people think, feel and behave togeth­er in groups. Find out more about The Hive.


Social Media Demo

Here is a social media plat­form repli­cat­ed within Gorilla. Par­tic­i­pants are able to like and comment on ‘posts’ (images) that are dynam­i­cal­ly pop­u­lat­ed from the task spreadsheet.

Code Editor

Includ­ed in Gorilla is access to our Code Editor so that you are never blocked.  The Code Editor allows you to write your own task in JavaScript so that you can create exactly what you need.

While we endeav­our to create tools for every­thing, novel research some­times needs some­thing com­plete­ly novel, and so we give you the tools to create that too.

But our phi­los­o­phy is that at any point you should be writing the minimum code, and code is often slower and more expen­sive to write and harder to maintain.

Link to Code Editor.


Detailed Behav­iour­al Metrics No Matter The Task

Not seen the type of task you want to create listed above? We’ve put togeth­er a 90 second video show­cas­ing just how flex­i­ble Goril­la’s tools are:


How does it all come together?

One of the most impor­tant fea­tures of Gorilla is the Experiment tree which allows you to stitch ques­tion­naires, tasks, games and more togeth­er.  As well as stitch­ing the overall pro­to­col togeth­er, the Experiment Tree also enables a whole host of ran­domi­sa­tion and coun­ter­bal­anc­ing without writing a line of code.

Read more about what is pos­si­ble in our blog all about the experiment tree.


How complex experiment designs are made easy with Gorilla

Con­sul­tan­cy Services

We can provide a range of ser­vices from help with exper­i­men­tal design and imple­men­ta­tion and includ­ing data pro­cess­ing and analysis.

Or you can use the Gorilla tooling, and keep all the work in house.

To find out more about our con­sul­tan­cy service, please get in touch!