Game Exam­ples

These videos show the wide range of sit­u­a­tions and types of research that can benefit from gam­i­fi­ca­tion. Enjoy!

Biomax Project

Nikhil Sharma at UCL com­mis­sioned us to create a series of games that could be used to measure the change in motor func­tion over time. These games would be played on a tablet and are each designed to measure a dif­fer­ent aspect of motor function.

Gam­i­fied Reading Diary App — Trophy Cabinet

You don’t have to gamify your whole task, instead, con­sid­er using a gam­i­fied trophy cabinet to encour­age your par­tic­i­pants to persist with a lon­gi­tu­di­nal study.  In this example, each week that stu­dents meet their target, they got another clue to solve the murder mystery.

Trea­sure Game

Pro­fes­sor Dorothy Bish­op’s Trea­sure Game is used to assess and pro­vid­ed reme­di­at­ing train­ing to chil­dren with devel­op­men­tal lan­guage disorders.

Exec­u­tive Func­tion Project

Niko Stein­bas at UCL com­mis­sioned us to create a series of go-nogo and stop-signal-delay games that could be used to train exec­u­tive func­tion. These games are designed to be played by kids over 8 weeks with the games con­stant­ly adapt­ing to the players’ level of ability.

Fun Maths: Number Beads

The number beads game devel­ops addi­tion and sub­trac­tion maths skills in primary school kids. The minimal artwork is by design — to allow chil­dren to only focus on the maths. This game has been trialed in several coun­tries.  This games was created for Prof Diana Lau­ril­lard and Prof Brian Butterworth.

Fun Maths: Fractions

The number rods game devel­ops frac­tions maths skills in primary school kids. The minimal artwork is by design — to allow chil­dren to only focus on the maths. This game is being devel­oped as part of a joint project with the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion in Singapore.

Speechread­ing Games

The STAR speech reading games develop visemic dis­crim­i­na­tion skills in young deaf chil­dren.  These chil­dren cannot read, so the game has to teach the chil­dren how to play with subtle onscreen prompts.  This game was created for Prof Mairead MacSweeney.

COVID-19 and cog­ni­tion in children

These gam­i­fied visual search tasks were created to assess whether COVID-19 has any cog­ni­tive impact on chil­dren.  This game was created by Dr Lucy Cheke at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cambridge.


Gorilla Game Builder

To find out more about Gorilla Game Builder, please get in touch!