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E-Commerce Research with Gorilla Shop Builder

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In a new research project, brand activation agency Decide has collaborated with Gorilla and Prolific to run a controlled study, putting mobile-friendly persuasion to the test. Using Gorilla’s Shop Builder, they created an experiment simulating the complete e-commerce experience with customisable products, nudges, discounts, and more.

With 44% of online purchases happening on mobile in 2023, it’s clear that shopping habits are shifting. But here’s the catch - principles that work on laptops can fall flat on mobiles. For instance, when a list of products is viewed one at a time rather than in a grid, using a flashing image to highlight one product is less likely to be effective. Shop Builder allowed the team at Decide to test this experimentally.

Curious to know what the study revealed? Experts Gareth J. Harvey (Decide), Jo Evershed (Gorilla), and Andrew Gordon (Prolific) discuss the results and their own insights on how online research can drive commercial success.

Photo of Gareth J. Harvey


Gareth J. Harvey

Gareth is the Director of Consumer Psychology for Decide, the UKs oldest independent creative agency. Over 70+ years, they’ve built a reputation for creative excellence and producing commercially effective design Before joining Decide, Gareth was a Professor of Consumer Psychology, having taught at universities in Geneva, Paris, and North Wales.

Photo of Andrew Gordon


Andrew Gordon

Andrew is a Staff Researcher at Prolific, leading the behavioural science arm of the sciences team. With a BSc in Psychology, MSc in Neuropsychology, and Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience, Andrews work focuses on online methodology, data quality, and public opinion polling. His work has been featured in The Independent, Financial times, Psychology Today, PsyPost, and peer-reviewed journals.

Photo of Jo Evershed


Jo Evershed

Jo is the CEO and co-founder of Gorilla Experiment Builder, a platform which allows you to build your online experiments without the stress of coding. Whether you're studying decision-making, social interaction, or cognitive processes, Gorilla's intuitive graphical interface allows you to collect cognitive and behavioral data with validated reaction times. Jo's mission is to provide behavioural scientists with the tools needed to improve the scale and impact of the evidence-based interventions that benefit society.

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