Gorilla Presents...

Collaborative learning: Developing and validating the computerised Barrier Task with Multiplayer

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Kelly and Matthew are using Gorilla & Prolific to test and validate a well-established collaborative learning task, the Barrier Task. Using Gorilla's Multiplayer features, participants will be randomly assigned partners and will need to communicate in order to place ambiguous images in a matching order.

Gorilla makes it possible to record decisions and correct responses, and to transcribe participants' interactions with each other, saving researchers valuable hours of work. The Barrier Task is currently in-person only, so Kelly and Matthew are creating a fully accessible version that can be easily adapted and can be completed entirely online.

Want to learn how to incorporate multiplayer into your own research? The webinar also includes a behind the scenes look at how the task is set up in Gorilla.

Expert Panel

Kelly Wolfe

Assistant Psychology Professor, Heriot-Watt University

Matthew Johnston

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Edinburgh