UCL Case Study

First year psyĀ­cholĀ­oĀ­gy underĀ­grads at a poster session. Theyā€™re in small groups and preĀ­sentĀ­ing a small research project that theyā€™ve created and recruitĀ­ed parĀ­ticĀ­iĀ­pants for. Theyā€™ve even interĀ­pretĀ­ed the data that an R script has extractĀ­ed for them.

Oh, and all this has been done in 4 weeksā€¦ in the first semesĀ­ter of the first year.

Not posĀ­siĀ­ble, right?

Wrong. This is the reality of research methods teachĀ­ing at UCL! By using Gorilla as a teachĀ­ing tool, the incredĀ­iĀ­ble team at UCL are able to give stuĀ­dents a hands on research methods education.

So how does this work? Letā€™s find out:

HypothĀ­eĀ­sis development

StuĀ­dents are given lecĀ­tures on the implicĀ­it assoĀ­ciĀ­aĀ­tion task (IAT) and implicĀ­it attiĀ­tudes to provide them with the backĀ­ground knowlĀ­edge required to run an IAT experiment.

Using an excelĀ­lent Game of Thrones themed example, ProĀ­fesĀ­sor Daniel RichardĀ­son is able to get stuĀ­dents thinkĀ­ing creĀ­ativeĀ­ly about the kind of hypothĀ­eĀ­sis they wish to test. For example, preĀ­viĀ­ous stuĀ­dents have created hypotheĀ­ses looking at whether thereā€™s an implicĀ­it assoĀ­ciĀ­aĀ­tion between hair colour and perĀ­ceived intelĀ­liĀ­gence, or between tattoos and perĀ­ceived threat.

Task creĀ­ation

Once theyā€™ve develĀ­oped their hypothĀ­eĀ­sis, each group of stuĀ­dents is tasked with finding the stimuli they want to use and creĀ­atĀ­ing their experiment. The stuĀ­dents are proĀ­vidĀ­ed with a temĀ­plate of an IAT task in Gorilla, and then walked through how to impleĀ­ment their own stimuli and ideas.

Gorillaā€™s intuĀ­itive design makes buildĀ­ing experĀ­iĀ­ments easy. StuĀ­dents donā€™t have to spend extra time learnĀ­ing addiĀ­tionĀ­al eleĀ­ments (like coding) to bring their ideas to life. Instead, stuĀ­dents get to focus on thinkĀ­ing logĀ­iĀ­calĀ­ly about the research design itself, rather than how to impleĀ­ment it.

Data colĀ­lecĀ­tion

StuĀ­dents are in charge of their groupā€™s data colĀ­lecĀ­tion. Using Gorillaā€™s recruitĀ­ment links, stuĀ­dents aim to recruit parĀ­ticĀ­iĀ­pants for each project by sharing the link with family and friends ā€” this year they colĀ­lectĀ­ed data from over 2000 parĀ­ticĀ­iĀ­pants in total. The ease of data colĀ­lecĀ­tion for online research is a key influĀ­ence in why this method of teachĀ­ing works so well!

If each student had to collect data in person, this process would take much longer, meaning they may not get their own expeĀ­riĀ­ence of colĀ­lectĀ­ing and analysing their own data in their first year.

Data analyĀ­sis & poster creation

The stuĀ­dents receive a folder of their processed data which has been extractĀ­ed for them using a script in R. Theyā€™re then are able to work with their groups and seminar leaders to interĀ­pret their data. Using this data, the stuĀ­dents create posters to disĀ­semĀ­iĀ­nate their findĀ­ings to the rest of their class.

Poster session

Each year the course organĀ­isĀ­ers create a poster session for the stuĀ­dents to get togethĀ­er and share their findĀ­ings with each other. Not to be deterred by the panĀ­demĀ­ic, this year the session was held online using Gather.Town, and it was a great success.

TypĀ­iĀ­calĀ­ly winning posters have been subĀ­mitĀ­ted to a proĀ­fesĀ­sionĀ­al research conĀ­ferĀ­ence (and theyā€™ve all been acceptĀ­ed!), giving the stuĀ­dents an even greater insight into the real world of research. In fact, one poster actuĀ­alĀ­ly won the best research poster prize at a BPS conĀ­ferĀ­ence, highĀ­lightĀ­ing the quality of the work being done!

This year we sent one of our team to the poster session to speak to stuĀ­dents and to see the work being done at UCL. We were incredĀ­iĀ­bly impressed by stuĀ­dents who were conĀ­fiĀ­dentĀ­ly able to discuss their methods and results! In fact, these stuĀ­dents could easily have been misĀ­takĀ­en for postĀ­gradĀ­uĀ­ate students.

UCLā€™s teachĀ­ing method allows stuĀ­dents to get their hands on data in 4 weeks

This innoĀ­vĀ­aĀ­tive teachĀ­ing method allows stuĀ­dents to get their hands on data from their own research project in just four weeks. Research methods no longer needs to be a dry topic which stuĀ­dents strugĀ­gle to grasp, it can be fun, interĀ­acĀ­tive, and creĀ­ative. This is an excelĀ­lent way of engagĀ­ing our future leaders in science and helping them enjoy the full research process!

At Gorilla we would like to thank Dr Katie Fisher, Mr Miles Tufft, Dr Jorina von ZimĀ­merĀ­mann, Dr Stephanie Lazzaro, and ProĀ­fesĀ­sor Daniel RichardĀ­son for the work they have done over the years to organĀ­ise this course for their students.

If you are interĀ­estĀ­ed in hearing more about teachĀ­ing research methods with Gorilla, check out this case study.