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Perceptual prioritisation of self-associated voices [Experiment 2]

Here we present the experimental tasks described in our pre-print: 'Perceptual prioritisation of self-associated voices', available at https://doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12479. Tasks presented here are for Experiment 2 only. (Experiment 1: https://gorilla.sc/openmaterials/45935; Experiment 3: https://gorilla.sc/openmaterials/46086).

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Exp 2 - Perceptual Prioritisation of Self-Voices: Gender Matching

Built with Experiment

An adapted online version of Sui et al.'s (2012) perceptual matching paradigm using both female and male voice stimuli. Participants are familiarised to – and then make speeded judgements about - three different voices and their associations to three different social identities (self, friend, other). Reaction times and accuracy are both collected.

For the base model of this experiment, please see https://gorilla.sc/openmaterials/45935

This experiment has been further adapted to include a randomised branching in which 50% of participants are branched towards hearing female voice stimuli, the other 50% branched towards male voice stimuli. In Exp 2, the perceptual matching task therefore uses both female and male voice stimuli to ask whether a new voice that - in terms of gender-related acoustics - sounds more like the participant, might accrue greater bias.

By separately running female and male participants through the experiment, it is possible to achieve a sex-matched group (female participants listening to female voices and then male participants listening to male voices) and a non-sex-matched group (female participants listening to male voices and then male participants listening to female voices).

Thus, we are able to ask the question of whether the self-prioritisation effect is evident and/or increased if the new self-associated voice is sex-matched to the gender identity of the listener.

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Preferred Citation Payne et al., 2020
Conducted at UCL
Published on 22 October 2019
Corresponding author Dr Bryony Payne Postdoctoral Research Associate
King's College London