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Institutions using Gorilla

If your department has a subscription, you will not need to pay per participant. To find out if your institution has a subscription, browse our list of academic institutions below.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and only includes institutions which have agreed to list their subscription publicly. Think you should be on a subscription but can't see your institution below? Please ask internally at your institution about this.

If you think you should be on a subscription, please contact your department's subscription administrator, whose details may be found below. If your subscription administrator is not listed, please ask internally at your institution to be added to the subscription.

List of Academic Institutions

Anglia Ruskin University, School of Psychology and Sport Science.

Subscription Manager: psychology-tech@anglia.ac.uk

Arden University, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: psychresearchpaperqueries@arden.ac.uk

Psychology courses at Arden

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Niv Reggev

Birkbeck University, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Birkbeck Psychology IT Support

Birmingham City University, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: psychology.technicians@bcu.ac.uk

BPP University

Colby College, Department of Psychology

Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour

Subscription Manager: Erik van den Boogert - e.vandenboogert@donders.ru.nl

Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Tamar Yakubovitz, tamarya@savion.huji.ac.il

Keele University, School of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Andrew Knipe

King's College London, Undergraduate Psychology, IoPPN

Subscription Manager: Pete.Moore@kcl.ac.uk

LSE (London School of Economics), Department of Psychology and Behavioural Science

Subscription Manager: Sean Rooney

London South Bank University, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: psytech@lsbu.ac.uk

Loughborough University, Centre for Mathematical Cognition

Subscription Manager: cmc@lboro.ac.uk

National University of Ireland, Galway, School of Psychology

Nottingham Trent University, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: psychologytech@ntu.ac.uk

Royal Holloway, University of London, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Natalie Starkey

Swansea University, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Robert Ian Russell - r.i.russell@swansea.ac.uk

Universidad Nebrija, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Patricia Ibáñez Ibáñez - pibanez@nebrija.es

University College London, PALS (Psychology and Language Sciences)

Subscription Manager: pals.gorilla@ucl.ac.uk

University of Bristol, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Colin Davis - pscjd@bristol.ac.uk

University of Connecticut, NBL and SLAC

Subscription Manager: Rachel M. Theodore - rachel.theodore@uconn.edu

University of Dundee, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: J.U.Ross@dundee.ac.uk

University of Exeter, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Hamad Javid

University of Hertfordshire, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Jon Gillard and Julia MacKenzie

University of the Highlands and Islands

Subscription Manager: Norman Wilson - norman.wilson.ic@uhi.ac.uk

University of Leeds, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Madeleine Pownall - M.V.Pownall@leeds.ac.uk

University of Liverpool, School of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Kat Purdy - tel_psyc@liverpool.ac.uk

University of Oxford, Department of Experimental Psychology

Subscription Manager: Gaia Scerif

University of Plymouth, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Anthony Mee - anthony.mee@plymouth.ac.uk

University of Reading, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: PsychResearchTech@reading.ac.uk

University of Salford, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Sam Royle - W.S.S.Royle@salford.ac.uk

University of Sheffield, School of Education

Subscription Manager: Evie Smith - e.c.smith@sheffield.ac.uk

University of St Andrews, School of Psychology & Neuroscience

Subscription Manager: Lynn Christie - psyneuroresearch@st-andrews.ac.uk

Universiteit Utrecht, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Jim Maarseveen - labs.fsw@uu.nl

University of Wolverhampton, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Ian Jukes

University of the West of Scotland, Department of Psychology

Subscription Manager: Chris O'Donnell - Christopher.ODonnell@uws.ac.uk

University of York, Department of Psychology

York St John, School of Education, Language and Psychology

Subscription Manager: tech.pss@yorksj.ac.uk