I have no idea what I am doing dog

“Prob­a­bly the ‘I have no idea what I’m doing’ dog. Its such an accu­rate rep­re­sen­ta­tion of what research is like, but no one really admits to it!”

Alex Jones


“I don’t really have a favourite meme, but I really like the xkcd comics (and the related What If? website).”

Eva Poort


“I don’t really have a favourite meme, but I really like the xkcd comics (and the related What If? website).”

Răzvan Jurchiș


Sahira van de Wouw


“The Far Side car­toons by Gary Larson are amazing — there are so many good science ones, and even a couple of animal com­mu­ni­ca­tion and field pri­ma­tol­ogy ones!”

Kirsty GrahamCat Hobaiter

 @kirstyegraham @NakedPrimate

Jo Ever­shed


Yes or no to stats? Either way, these jokes are guar­an­teed to lift your spirits!

Holiday fun! Cel­e­brate the hol­i­days all year long!

Who doesn’t love Christmas?

Is love in the air?