The Gorilla Experiment Builder is a cloud based research plat­form that allows researchers and stu­dents to quickly and easily create and deploy behav­iour­al (reac­tion-time) exper­i­ments online.

In a nut­shell, how does it work?

Simply login to Gorilla using your browser to access:

  • A ques­tion­naire builder
  • A task builder
  • An experiment con­fig­u­ra­tion tool

Create your com­po­nent ques­tion­naires and tasks and then link them togeth­er into an overall exper­i­men­tal protocol.

Then deploy it online and recruit your par­tic­i­pants. You can do this via social media (i.e. Face­book) or paid ser­vices via our trusted part­ners (Pro­lif­ic, mTurk, SONA and more) or by email.

How is this dif­fer­ent to a survey tool?

Survey tools allow you to ask explic­it ques­tions and get sub­jec­tive respons­es from the respondent.

In con­trast, a behav­iour­al study typ­i­cal­ly has lots of trials that capture the respon­dents behav­iour in terms of accu­ra­cy and reac­tion times. From these raw metrics, sec­ondary metrics can be derived to get an objec­tive measure of behaviour.

Gorilla is built for running behav­iour­al studies. The task builder is fully tooled – you don’t have to code – so you can create your study quickly and easily. You then con­fig­ure the experiment pro­to­col in the Experiment Tree tool.

This allows you to add ran­domi­sa­tion, coun­ter­bal­anc­ing, repeats and delays to create a wide range of exper­i­ments designs.

Find out more about our tools here.

What else?

We know that novel research some­times needs com­plete­ly new func­tion­al­i­ty! As well as the tooled envi­ron­ment Gorilla allows you to augment the func­tion­al­i­ty we provide by adding scripts (snip­pets of JavaScript) or build a task from scratch in the Code Editor.